Graphic Organizer

Graphic organizer displaying the building blocks of a cell
This picture depicts a graphic organizer in which I am particulary proud.  The graphic organizer is about the building blocks of a cell.  I describe what they are (carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids) and what they are made of.

DNA Model

A DNA model depicting nucletoids, deoxyribose, and phospates.
This picture shows a model of a DNA model.  I learned about how DNA is made of nucletides, sugar, and phosphate groups.  In this assingment I colored the parts of DNA to match their real life counterparts.  I then cut them out and assembled them in a code similiar to real life.

Webquest Essay

An essay about human cloning.
In this assingment I learned about human cloning.  I researched cloning, and formed opinions.  I analyzed pros and cons and made a set of guide lines.  I then surveyed people to find out how they felt.  After this I wrote this paper which included cloning methods, opinions, por and cons, and ethical obligations for cloning.

Microscope Lab

Worksheet and drawings for the microscope lab.
During this assingment I learned about microscopes and their uses.  I had to observe specimen under different magnifications and draw them.  I then described them.  After that I was put in a group to make a presenation.  In this presenation we told about the specimen and what we learned about microscopes.